Planning Committee

Planning Committee

Planning Committee Details

Planning in Denmead

The Parish Council, although not the planning authority, provides comments to Winchester City Council on applications affecting the Parish. Each year in excess of 120 applications are reviewed by the Planning Committee. Each application is the subject of a site visit by two members of the Committee who provide a factual report for the planning meetings. Denmead Parish Council believes that it is important to comment to Winchester City Council on all applications on behalf of the village.

If you wish to make comment on a current application to Winchester City Council you may do so by using the Online Planning System – Public Access here.

For further information about what the Parish Council can and can’t do and what it considered as part of a planning application click on the information below.

Please also forward your comments to Denmead Parish Council via email to:

Responsibilities of Committee
  • To make recommendations on individual planning applications in accordance with the ‘Guidelines for the members of the Parish Council of Denmead Planning Committee’.
  • To draw District Planning Officers attention to breaches of planning conditions.
  • To promote and monitor Tree Preservation Orders.
Committee Dates for 2024
  • 3rd January
  • 24th January
  • 14th February
  • 6th March
  • 27th March
  • 17th April
  • 8th May
  • 29th May
  • 19th June
  • 10th July
  • 31st July
  • 21st August
  • 11th September
  • 2nd October
  • 23rd October
  • 13th November
  • 4th December
Meeting Packs (Agendas and Minutes)
Planning Applications
Planning Decisions
Interconnector Information

The next development proposal to affect much of our local area is a major infrastructure project led by AQUIND, which is considered similar to a NSIP (Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project), in which normal planning requirements are bypassed but are managed by the Planning Inspectorates.

The concept of the project, according to AQUIND, is that by connecting the French and UK grids, both countries can balance supply and demand by reducing the risk of loss of power. AQUIND has previously predicted that the decision should be finalised by Spring 2021 and it is estimated that the Interconnector could become operational by 2022.

An overview of the development proposal is that the very large Interconnector would be located near to the existing electrical substation at Lovedean, on the boundary of Denmead. At the end of 2019, confirmation was received from AQUIND to inform that the ‘Highways Route’ option for laying the ducting cables via Mill Road and Martin Avenue, had been discounted, but that the cable route would be installed instead underground at the location south of Anmore Road and Hambledon Road. During the installation of cables, there would be a period of temporary road closures expected in Denmead.

Information and guidance to the formal application and overall DCO process, which includes over 500 documents, can be accessed on AQUIND’s website, by clicking here.

AQUIND has now submitted its Development Consent application, which shall be considered by the Planning Inspectorate, before a recommendation is made to the Secretary of State on whether to grant the application.

In order for Denmead Parish Council to keep local residents informed, all matters relating to AQUIND’s Interconnector Project, are regularly considered and discussed by the Parish Council’s Planning Committee. Agendas and Minutes of Planning Committee meetings can be accessed here for more information.

SHELAA: Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment for Denmead

The SHELAA is a technical document which provides information on sites; submitted by Landowners and Agents, for potential housing, economic development, Gypsy and Travelling Showpeople, Self Build housing etc. in relation to their suitability, availability and achievability. The SHELAA will only identify sites which have been submitted to Winchester, it does NOT allocate sites. The inclusion of the site in the SHELAA does not imply that the Winchester City Council would necessarily grant planning permission.

Please click here to read the SHELAA for Denmead. 

Please click here to view the call to landowners for sites 2020.