Denmead Gap
and Open Country

Denmead Gap & Open Country

The Denmead Gap &
Open Country North of The Village

The Denmead gap separates the Parish from the West of Waterlooville urbanisation. It runs from Forest Gate, in the north of the Parish along the east and curves around to the south side of the Parish boundary where it abuts Creech Woods, part of the ancient Forest of Bere. It covers the hamlets of Anmore and Soake. It also includes Furzeley Corner, the area of Denmead Parish centred on the junction of Newlands Lane, Furzeley Road and Sheepwash Lane, south of Denmead. The latter once was a thriving hamlet with its own Post Office and shop and its history can be traced back to the Magna Carta.

Although the fields forming the gap were relegated from a ‘strategic’ to a ‘local’ gap, Winchester’s planning inspector strongly recommends that it remains as currently defined. He regards it as ‘being essential to prevent the coalescence of expanding Waterlooville and nearby Denmead’ and that ‘using the edges of the defined settlement boundaries as the limit of the local gap is entirely logical.’
