Denmead Today
Denmead Today
Your Village
Denmead is a civil parish of some 1215 hectares (4000 acres), having been created in 1932 when the parish of Hambledon was divided. Its roots as a village stretch back to the Middle Ages and traces of this period can still be found.
The village could be said to encompass many of the most valued aspects of modern urban living including health, education and community facilities as well as retaining many of the benefits of a post-rural community with its proximity to significant remnants of the historic Forest of Bere to the south and west and East Hampshire’s designated ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ to the north and east.
For the most part, the village remains surrounded by agricultural mostly mixed holdings but with established stabling and riding facilities. Parklands on the village’s southern periphery is a light industrial area with expanding high technology features in a pleasant afforested environment.
The village also contains a range of living accommodations from imposing private dwellings and local authority housing, through warden controlled units to a number of rest homes for the elderly; these mark the village’s truly “cradle to the grave” nature.
Sitting within the meteorologists’ “Solent bowl”, Denmead also enjoys a climate of non-extremes even more viable than the already mild south Hampshire region.
The population is currently standing at approximately 7000 and has increased sharply in recent years but should, despite continuing development pressures, retain more moderate levels of increase in the future.