Traffic Calming

Traffic Calming

Denmead Projects:
Do you want to reduce speeding in Denmead?

Denmead Parish Council take the issue of speeding and traffic calming seriously and use a variety of ways to reduce speeds around our village:

  • The Council owns TWO Smiley Face Speed Indicators and ONE Speed Indicator Device.  The three traffic calming devices are moved to different locations around the village every two weeks on a rota.  The locations include Well Hill, Forest Road, Hambledon Road, Anmore Road, Southwick Road, Bunkers Hill and Furzeley Road.

This is what the Speed Indicator Devices look like:

Smiley Indicator
Speed Indicator
  • The Council works closely with residents, Hampshire County Council and Hampshire Highways where traffic calming measures such as build-outs or pinch-points are needed.  The consultation process involves traffic monitoring and surveys to choose the most suitable location for these measures.  Currently, Denmead has one pinch point on Hambledon Road outside the Infant School and is in consultation to have build-outs installed on Forest Road later this year.

  • There is an active Speedwatch team in Denmead, who meet regularly for an hour in various locations around the village.  The team uses a hand-held speed gun to capture speeds, and the team works together to collate information which is sent to the Police, who follow up with letters to the offending motorists.

  • A meeting called the Safer Neighbourhoods Panel is held twice a year, attended by Councillors, District and County Councillors, and representatives from the Police, Winchester City Council Neighbourhood Services and Neighbourhood Watch.  All residents are invited to attend and to share their views and experiences of life in the village.  Speeding is always a hot topic at these events, and the Council are diligent in following up new suggestions of traffic calming and making the village a safer place.

  • The Council is currently looking into obtaining a device known as an Autospeedwatch Device, which is fixed in one location to capture data from speeding motorists, which is sent directly to the Police. As this is a new concept, it is likely that permission will be obtained for this within the next few months.
Hambledon Road
Forest Road
Speed Watch

Register your interest by contacting Jo at Denmead Parish Council.  There is a short online training course to attend, run by Hampshire Constabulary. You can then join the team and do something about speeding in our village. We meet on different days and times and you do not need to attend every session.