Rural Times

Welcome to the latest edition of Rural Times; which includes an update from new Rural Policing Inspector Cath MacDonald. You’ll hear about her policing background and Cath’s passion about serving rural communities, understanding the impact crime has on these particular communities and doing everything she can to keep them safe.

There is also an update from Hampshire & IOW Police and Crime Commissioner, Donna Jones, around fly-tipping and recognising the importance of working with partners such as DEFRA and Environmental Agency teams (page 3).

You can access Rural Times online via the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary website using this link:—may-2023.pdf

Whilst you’ll also hear about Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary’s efforts to support the National Wildlife Crime Unit’s ‘Operation Easter’ (page 4), which is a national campaign dedicated to stopping egg thieves and collectors.

There is an opportunity to ‘meet’ Chief Inspector Hayley O’Grady (pages 6-7), who has hung up her riot shield and taken command of the Test Valley, after more than two decades of city policing. Rural Times editor Jack Backwell caught up with her to chat about her priorities as District Commander for an area with a vast rural population.

There are also updates from rural partners including Forestry England and New Forest National Park Authority Rangers (page 8), as we reflect on the joint partnership working with the Constabulary; especially when tackling seasonal issues affecting

communities during patrol activity, including theft from motor vehicles, fly tipping, verge parking and wild camping.

Further updates from the British Deer Society around an increase in deer vehicle collisions (page 11) and the need to ensure the safety of motorists and our four-legged road users; alongside The Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust discussing the support that is available to those in the gamekeeping profession (and their dependents) – see more detail on page 13.

Our Country Watch team have also provided a number of highlights in relation to incidents that have been investigated and outcomes finalised for those offenders. While there are details on upcoming Barn Meets and other rural-led events across the summer months – so please do check these out on pages 14 and 15.
A jam-packed edition for those living in our rural communities or those who have a keen interest in rural matters and issues. 

We hope you enjoy reading it!