Burial Ground – Updated Information

Denmead Parish Council would like to apologise for the distress caused and misleading messages and would like to clarify the information regarding the Burial Ground.  The Council want to make sure that you, as a resident, have the correct information.

  1. All graves are allowed metal or marble containers with flowers in them on the plinth of the grave. These would not be removed at any time unless they are mentioned in the burial regulations.

Full details of the regulations are on our website, but an excerpt of these is below:

10.1 Vases and flower containers may be part of the memorial.  One small metal or marble vase may be placed on the grave during the first six months following the interment, pending the erection of a permanent memorial. Glass, china, plastic or earthenware vases, jars, metal pots, troughs or bottles are not allowed. Any such item may be removed at the discretion of the Council.   

10.2 Early blooming spring bulbs such as snowdrops and crocuses may be planted on a grave space, providing they do not impact on grass cutting.  Shrubs or pot plants may not be planted in a grave space, the cremation area or around memorial plaques and trees.  Flowers and wreaths will be removed when they are dead and after 2 weeks following interment.  Christmas wreaths will be removed at the end of January. 

10.3 No artificial flowers are permitted.  

10.4 It is not permitted to embed containers into a grave space or secure loose receptacles into the turf in any way. All approved movable memorial vases must be identified with the plot number to aid repositioning if necessary. 

10.5 No responsibility can be accepted by the Parish Council for the removal of flowers or containers by any unauthorised person. 

10.6 All unauthorised containers will be removed to the bin area for collection.

  1. 10.1 refers to new graves before the installation of a headstone (which can incorporate a vase for flowers)
  2. 10.1 confirms that a small vase (metal or marble) and flowers are allowed as part of the memorial if they are on the plinth and don’t interfere with the maintenance of the area.
  3. 10.2 confirms that flowers will be removed when they are dead
  4. Items that are removed are taken to the Sexton hut area for families to collect.
  5. Our grounds team use strimmers because mowers are too heavy for the ground and may damage headstones. Protective equipment is worn by the grounds team by way of leg guards.
  6. The regulations are not new, they are the same as most other burial grounds and have been in place for many years.

Any questions can be directed to the Highways & General Purpose Committee via the Parish Clerk at parishclerk@denmead-pc.gov.uk or by calling 02392247947