The Hambledon and Denmead Welfare and Educational Trust.

The Hambledon and Denmead Welfare and Educational Trust can be traced back to the 19th Century
when a number of local charities were established to help the poor and to provide education for all
children of the Parishes. Today the Charity exists to support those under the age of 25 who are hoping to broaden their educational and life experiences through positive endeavour but are in need of financial assistance to reach these goals.  Support is not limited to this however, and below is an example of how the charity has helped others in the local community.

The Charity was able to help with a modest grant towards a new commemorative bench on Speltham Down, Hambledon as well as negotiations with the National Trust over location, supply of materials and Installation of the bench.  This has been installed with the kind permission of the National Trust, it is in memory of the late Jeff Ball, a former resident of Hambledon . Jeff’s Widow and his daughter can see the bench from their house and the location of the bench seat can be enjoyed by all who sit on it.

We would like to extend our thanks to all those that helped in this project;

David Crossley for donating the wood from Rushmere Farm.

Steve Wilkins for designing and drawing and planning and help with this project.

Rod Smith for building the bench so beautifully.

Paul Quinn for use of his garage to store wood in.

Simon Dettmer for access to the Downs to install the bench amongst his sheep. And to the National trust…. Matt, Zoe and Jim.

The object of the Trust is to relieve either generally or individually persons resident in the area of benefit (ie the Parishes of Hambledon and Denmead) who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress and to promote the education of persons resident in the area who have not attained the age of 25 years and who in the opinion of the Trustees are in need of financial assistance. Grants are modest and confidential, but it is pleasant to think that the benefactors are still able to help and encourage local children, people and organisations so many years after they lived in a very different Hambledon and Denmead. Applications should be made to the Trustees of Hambledon and Denmead Welfare Trust for the attention of either the Chairman, Derek Gilbert or the Clerk, Kate Rowlands.