Operation Resilience – Road Closure
As part of the annual programme of works being undertaken by Operation Resilience, we will shortly be undertaking surface dressing maintenance treatment in localised areas at locations within your divisions.
The works are currently programmed to start as follows: • ST-W23008 Mill Road, Denmead – from Hambledon Road to Anmore Road – programmed Monday 17th July 2023.
The works at each location will take up to 2 days to complete and to undertake them safely, a road closure will be in place from approximately 07:30 – 18:00 hours each day. The road will be open outside of these hours.
Access for residents and businesses will be maintained when possible and safe to do so, pedestrian access to properties will not be affected, and emergency vehicles will have access at all times. Whilst there is an allowance within the time periods shown above for delays, there may be times when we have to postpone works at very short notice; based on the latest weather forecasts, this can occur just prior to works commencing. We will always look to provide up to date information wherever we can, but sometimes these last minute decisions can be difficult to relay to the travelling public in a timely manner.
When we can, any significant changes to the scheduled dates will be made clear on the yellow sign boards located at the works limits. Information signs advising road users will be erected before the start of works.